Friday, April 4, 2014

Accessibility Testing - Scenarios, Tools and Test Cases

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. Accessibility can be viewed as the "ability to access" and benefit from some system or entity. The concept is often used to focus on people with disabilities or special needs (such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) and their right of access to entities, enabling the use of assisting technology.

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of making websites usable by people of all abilities and disabilities. When sites are optimally designed, developed and edited, all users can have equal access to information and functionality. For example, when a site is coded with semantically meaningful HTML, with textual equivalents provided for images and with links named meaningfully, this helps blind users using text-to-speech software and/or text-to-Braille hardware.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is a law that was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1990. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. Also, in 1998 the US Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 was enacted to eliminate barriers in information technology, to make available new opportunities for people with disabilities, and to encourage development of technologies that will help achieve these goals. The ADA and the above amendment paved way for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0), that are a part of a series of Web accessibility guidelines published by the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative. They consist of a set of guidelines for making content accessible, primarily for disabled users. The guidelines were published in 1999.

Accessibility testing is the technique of making sure that your product is accessibility compliant.  
Basically accessibility problems can be classified into following four groups, each of them with different access difficulties and issues:
1.      Visual impairments - such as blindness, low or restricted vision, or color blindness. User with visual impairments uses assistive technology software that reads content loud. User with weak vision can also make text larger with browser setting or magnifying setting of operating system (in Windows go to Start à All Programs à Accessories à Accessibility à Magnifier or Start à All Programs à Accessories à Accessibility à Narrator).
2.      Motor skills - such as the inability to use a keyboard or mouse, or to make fine movement (in Windows go to Start à All Programs à Accessories à Accessibility à On Screen Keyboard).
3.      Hearing impairment - such as reduced or total loss of hearing
4.      Cognitive abilities - such as reading difficulties, dyslexia or memory loss.

Before moving on to testing we must make sure that the developers are aware of the following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The guidelines must be taken into consideration while designing requirements for web accessibility of an application.
1.      Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content - Provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as auditory or visual content.
2.      Don't rely on color alone - Ensure that text and graphics are understandable when viewed without color.
3.      Use markup and style sheets and do so properly - Mark up documents with the proper structural elements. Control presentation with style sheets rather than with presentation elements and attributes.
4.      Clarify natural language usage - Use markup that facilitates pronunciation or interpretation of abbreviated or foreign text.
5.      Create tables that transform gracefully - Ensure that tables have necessary markup to be transformed by accessible browsers and other user agents.
6.      Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully - Ensure that pages are accessible even when newer technologies are not supported or are turned off.
7.      Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes - Ensure that moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating objects or pages may be paused or stopped.
8.      Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user interfaces - Ensure that the user interface follows principles of accessible design: device-independent access to functionality, keyboard operability, self-voicing, etc.
9.      Design for device-independence - Use features that enable activation of page elements via a variety of input devices.
10.   Use interim solutions - Use interim accessibility solutions so that assistive technologies and older browsers will operate correctly.
11.   Use W3C technologies and guidelines - Use W3C technologies (according to specification) and follow accessibility guidelines. Where it is not possible to use a W3C technology, or doing so results in material that does not transform gracefully, provide an alternative version of the content that is accessible.
12.   Provide context and orientation information - Provide context and orientation information to help users understand complex pages or elements.
13.   Provide clear navigation mechanisms - Provide clear and consistent navigation mechanisms -- orientation information, navigation bars, a site map, etc. to increase the likelihood that a person will find what they are looking for at a site.
14.   Ensure that documents are clear and simple - Ensure that documents are clear and simple so they may be more easily understood.

As per WCAG 1.0 following priorities are defined:
Priority 1: Web developers must satisfy these requirements (the above 14 points); otherwise it will be impossible for one or more groups to access the Web content. Conformance to this level is described as A.
Priority 2: Web developers should satisfy these requirements; otherwise some groups will find it difficult to access the Web content. Conformance to this level is described as AA or Double-A.
Priority 3: Web developers may satisfy these requirements, in order to make it easier for some groups to access the Web content. Conformance to this level is described as AAA or Triple-A.

WCAG 2.0 was published in December, 2008. It defines the comprehensive list of techniques for web accessibility.

Typical test scenarios for accessibility might look similar to the following examples -
·        Make sure that all functions are available via keyboard only (do not use mouse)
·        Make sure that information is visible when display setting is changed to High Contrast modes.
·   Make sure that screen reading tools can read all the text available and every picture/image has corresponding alternate text associated with it.
·        Make sure that product defined keyboard actions do not affect accessibility keyboard shortcuts.
·        Examining each page with wide range of browser.
·        Examining each page using screen readers.
·        Examining each page using a variety of analyzers and validators.
·        Examining each page using a screen magnifier.
·        Ensure that all information conveyed with color is also available without color.
·        Provide a text equivalent for every non-text element that conveys information (including images, graphical representations of text (including symbols), image map regions, animations (e.g., animated GIFs), applets and programmatic objects, ASCII art, frames, scripts, images used as list bullets, spacers, graphical buttons, sounds, stand-alone audio files, audio tracks of video, and video.).
·        Provide text-only pages with equivalent information and functionality if compliance with accessibility provisions cannot be accomplished in any other way. The pages, in such a Web site should be readily accessible, and facilitate the use of screen readers and other assistive devices.
·        Organize documents so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet.

Preliminary Testing for Accessibility

A preliminary testing can quickly identify some accessibility problems on a web application. A preliminary review does not check every accessibility issue and will not catch all of the problems on a site. Thus the method described below is not sufficient to determine if a web app conforms to Web accessibility guidelines.
A preliminary review combines some manual checking of representative pages on a website, along with the use of several semi-automatic accessibility evaluation tools. Reviewers do not need to know Web mark-up languages, but should be able to download software and familiarize themselves with some evaluation tools, and change certain settings on their browser. To conduct a preliminary review, all five tasks below must be completed.

From the website to be reviewed, select a ‘representative sampling’ of pages that match the following criteria:
§  Include all pages, which people are most likely to visit your web application (e.g. ‘welcome page’, ‘landing page’, etc.).
§  Include a variety of pages with different layouts and functionality, e.g.:
Ø  Web pages with tables, forms, or dynamically generated results,
Ø  Web pages with informative images such as diagrams or graphs,
Ø  Web pages with scripts or applications that perform some function.
Following test cases can be executed over graphical user interface (GUI) browser (such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Safari, or others). Examine the selection of pages while adjusting some settings in your browser or operating system as follows:
Test Step#
Expected Result
Actual Result
Login to the application using any browser (e.g. IE8)
Login must be successful

Go to Tools --> Internet Options. Turn off images. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Appropriate alternative text for the images is available.

Go to Tools --> Internet Options. Turn off the sound. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Audio content is still available through text equivalents

Go to Tools --> Internet Options. Use browser controls to vary font-size.
The font size changes on the screen accordingly. The page is still usable at larger font sizes.

Change the screen resolution by using the Display Controls. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Horizontal scrolling is not required

test with different browsers, or examine code for absolute sizing, to ensure that it is a content problem not a browser problem
Resize the application window to less than maximum. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Horizontal scrolling is not required

test with different browsers, or examine code for absolute sizing, to ensure that it is a content problem not a browser problem
Go to Tools --> IE Options. Use browser controls to change the display color to gray scale. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Observe whether the color contrast is adequate

Without using the mouse, use the keyboard to navigate through the links and form controls on a page (e.g. use Tab key on MS Windows)
All the links must be accessible and the links clearly indicate where they lead to (on IE it will be displayed on Status Bar)

Repeat the above test cases with other browsers e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE8, IE9 etc.
The cases must be successful

For reviewers who have disabilities, following tasks may be done with another person who does not have the same disability.
Examine pages using specialized browsers
A voice browser or a text browser (e.g. Lynx) can be used to examine the selection of pages while answering these questions:
1.      Is equivalent information available through the voice or text browser as is available through the GUI browser? For example, the images and videos must have the ALT text present for them.
2.      Is the information presented in a meaningful order if read serially?
Experienced users of screen readers may substitute a screen reader for a voice or text browser, but if blind, may need a sighted partner to compare information available visually; if sighted, listen to it with eyes closed, then open eyes and confirm whether the information is equivalent.

Detailed Inspection for Validating Accessibility

There are two components to detailed testing:
·        Tool-based testing: where the evaluator uses a tool to probe how the various bits of a web site are working together.
·        Manual Testing: where the evaluator looks directly at the code and assets of a web site to scour for problems.

Tools for Accessibility Testing

Even though it is suggested that Manual Testing by the real (disabled) users is the best way to assess and application for web accessibility, tools can also be used. There are several tools available which can be used to evaluate a website for accessibility compatibility:
1.      The following website can be directly used to evaluate a website:
This tool is a free web accessibility evaluation tool.  It is used to aid humans in the web accessibility evaluation process. Rather than providing a complex technical report, WAVE shows the original web page with embedded icons and indicators that reveal the accessibility of that page. If you have files/applications that are not publicly available on the internet, you can use the link within this app to validate them too. The above page contains relevant link for that.
2.      AChecker - AChecker is an open source Web accessibility evaluation tool. It can be used to review the accessibility of Web pages based on a variety international accessibility guidelines. Automated accessibility checkers can only identify a limited number of barriers in Web content with certainty. A human must interact with an accessibility review to make decisions on potential problems automated tools cannot identify. Evaluating accessibility with AChecker is an interactive ongoing process. AChecker knows when it is unable to identify a potential problem and will ask the evaluator to manually check for the problem. Because Web content often changes, AChecker can be used to monitor the accessibility of Web content as it evolves. AChecker also allows users to create accessibility guidelines, if for instance they are working in an enclosed environment that requires a specific level of accessibility. It also allows users to create new checks for the system as technology develops and makes it possible to check issue that may not have previously been possible. For more details see the following link:
3.      Accessibility Inspector - It is a free Mac application, which can be used to test the website on a Safari. For more details please click here.
4.      VoiceOver - It is a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X, iOS and iPod operating systems. By using VoiceOver, the user can access their Macintosh or iOS device based on spoken descriptions and, in the case of the Mac, the keyboard. The feature is designed to increase accessibility for blind and low-vision users, as well as for users with dyslexia. On iOS devices it can accessed through Settings à General à Accessibility.
5.      Color Contrast Analyzer – This online webpage can be used directly to assess the contrast of two colors. It determines color visibility based on algorithms suggested by the W3C - Two colors are considered to provide good color visibility if the brightness difference and the color difference between the two colors are greater than a set range. In addition to analyzing contrast for normal vision it also calculates results for three types of color blindness (Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia).
6.      Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar (for Firefox) - It can support web developers in testing web resources for accessibility features.
7.      NVDA - NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is a free and open source screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Providing feedback via synthetic speech and Braille, it enables blind or vision impaired people to access computers running Windows for no more cost than a sighted person. Major features include support for over 35 languages and the ability to run entirely from a USB drive with no installation.
8.      JAWS - JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is a computer screen reader program for Microsoft Windows that allows blind and visually impaired users to read the screen either with a text-to-speech output or by a Refreshable Braille display.
There are several other tools which can be used for testing of web accessibility. Their usage will depend upon you application and specific requirements.

Manual Testing
WCAG 2.0 splits its best practice criterion into four principles. Content and functionality must be:
·        Perceivable
·        Operable (for example, it should be possible to interact with a web site without a mouse and navigate it with a screen reader).
·        Comprehensible (for example, copy should not be more complicated than it needs to be and the web site should operate in a predictable manner).
·        Robust (for example, web sites should be interoperable with different user agents and navigation should be consistent).
One subset of perceivable problems revolves around the provision of alternative media of various types. In the Preliminary test cases we have seen the validation of the ‘alt’ text for images and videos. Following are some of the test cases that be executed to validate whether the website is perceivable or not:
Note – Some test steps might overlap with preliminary test cases discussed earlier.

Test Step#
Principle to be tested
Expected Result
Actual Result

Login to the application using any browser (e.g. IE8)
Login must be successful

 Note that these settings are for IE8. Other browsers will vary in navigation of controls.
Go to Tools --> IE Options. Turn off images. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Appropriate alternative text for the images is available.

Check the images that have been used only for decorative purposes.
No alternative text must be visible.

Check the images being used as links.
Alternative text must be visible. Otherwise the link address may be visible.

Check the Form Buttons
Alternative text must be visible Or the button action must be displayed.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Turn off the sound. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Audio content is still available through text equivalents

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Turn off the sound. Refresh page OR logout/login.
Some text description of Video content must be available.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Turn on the Videos. Refresh page OR logout/login. For a particular plugin (e.g. Windows Media Plugin) open Windows Media Player and adjust the Accessibility Settings (such as captions and audio descriptions,  volume etc.) and check the video on the web page.
The content must be visible as per the settings done in the tool.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Select 'default' settings. Refresh page OR logout/login. Check for sufficient color contrast of all text with respect to their background.
The contrast must be suffient. All the text must be properly visible.
It is advisable to use Juicy Studio CSS Analyser for this.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Increase text size by 2-5 steps Refresh page OR logout/login.
The content must not be hard to read.
The results might not be pixel perfect.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. Select 'default' settings. Refresh page OR logout/login. Zoom into the page to some 200%.
The content must not be hard to read.
The results might not be pixel perfect.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. On the General tab, click Color. Deselect Use Windows Colors. Select same color for Text and Background. Click OK.
On the displayed page the color must not be changed. It must override this setting.

The IE Options window must be open. Click on Accessibility. Select 'Ignore colors specified on webpages'. Click OK.
The displayed webpage color will change such that the font color and background color is same, as changed above.

Go to Tools --> IE Options. On the General tab, click Fonts. Change something different from 'default font'. Click OK.
On the displayed page the fonts must not be changed. This setting must be overridden.

Turn of the images and click OK
The alt text for images must be visible.

The IE Options window must be open. Click on Accessibility. Select 'Ignore font styles specified on webpages'. Click OK.
On the displayed webpage fonts will change to the above

Carry out the above test cases on other browsers also.
All the cases must pass

Note that the above settings are for IE8. Other browsers will vary in navigation of controls.

Operable & Comprehensible
Health and safety is a crucial, though rarely considered, part of making a website operable. A good way to test the operability of websites is simply to try to see if you can access all essential content and functionality with different devices.
Note – Some test steps might overlap with preliminary test cases discussed earlier.

Test Step#
Principle to be tested
Expected Result
Actual Result

Login to the application using any browser (e.g. IE8)
Login must be successful

Look out for any flashing/blinking content on the website.
•There must not be more than three general flashes and no more than three red flashes within any one-second period, or
•The combined area of flashes occurring concurrently must not occupy more than a total of one quarter of any 341 x 256 pixel rectangle anywhere on the displayed screen area when the content is viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels.

Please use the Open Source Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (
Note - Design Web pages that do not cause the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.
Try to access all the controls via the keyboard.
The current focus must always be clearly indicated. All the functionality must be accessible via the keyboard.

Operate the website with a touchscreen device
The controls must be accessible and the respective pages navigable

This can be a part of digital device testing.
Test your web application using the voice commands (e.g. say - link name, Go to Favorites Name)
The relevant link (defined by name) must open.

For Opera for Windows, its Voice Add-On can be used. Mac OS X has MacSpeech Dictate built in for this. See for a comprehensive list for IE)
Operable and Comprehensible
Test your web application using a screen reader
1. All the relevant text can be heard from the standard output.
2. The punctuation must be correct and comprehensible.

1. Microsoft Windows operating systems have included the Microsoft Narrator screen reader since Windows 2000. Apple Inc. Mac OS X includes VoiceOver, a feature-rich screen reader.
2. Use Juicy Studio’s Readability Test tool for assessing readability of the web page.
Operable and Comprehensible
Carry out the above step on all the web pages
1. All the relevant text can be heard from the standard output.
2. The punctuation must be correct and comprehensible.

1. Microsoft Windows operating systems have included the Microsoft Narrator screen reader since Windows 2000. Apple Inc. Mac OS X includes VoiceOver, a feature-rich screen reader.
2. Use Juicy Studio’s Readability Test tool for assessing readability of the web page.
Test your web application using a voice browser
1. All the relevant text can be heard from the standard output.
2. The punctuation must be correct and comprehensible.

The Internet Explorer can have a toolbar which can help in voice browsing ( Following commands can be tested - back
- forward
- refresh
- reload (same as refresh)
- search
- new window
- home
Operable and Comprehensible
Carry out the above step on all the web pages
1. All the relevant text can be heard from the standard output.
2. The punctuation must be correct and comprehensible.

Operable and Comprehensible
Test the application with a Screen Magnifier
The content must be consistent and predictable.
It is better if the application has been tested for Usability (Consistency and Predictability). Such an application easy to navigate using a screen magnifier. E.g. 1) The Headings must follow a hierarchy. 2) Menu items must be links leading to pages which are same in design as sending page.
3) Popup windows must be avoided. 4) The webpage content must not change on a mouse-over event (Whenever a script changes the content of a page, the change must be indicated in a way that can be detected and read by a screen reader.)
5) Link appearance must change on mouse-over.
Test the application for CAPTCHA Image
The CAPTCHA can be ‘listened to’ also.

Testing whether content is robust involves checking that technologies are being correctly used. At a very basic level, you can run markup and code through linters such as:
·        W3C CSS Validator
·        JSLint JavaScript linter

Hence we can see that Accessibility Testing involves a lot of stuff to be tested under the non-functional testing realm. It has aspects that are critical to current day application development and testing. Hence, accessibility testing must be carried out with sincerity in an organization seeking a wide audience.

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