Removing the white space from the XML file
when we try to shorten an XML file (see the above discussion on that), the file
contains a lot of white space because of removed tags. New XML file can look
something like this:
Such white
space can be removed by adding the following template construct:
Just add in
your code before the </stylesheet> tag. The new XML file looks as
Conditional reports (based on group)
In point 4,
I stated that we needed an exception for one of the groups. Extending that
idea, we can actually segregate the reports pertaining to a single group also.
The code will run as follows:
Notice that
since we are taking counts at the testplan level, we are using ‘../’ 2 times.
The above code can also be written as:
Notice that
now we have just one ‘../’ because the condition is at the repository level.
One can very well imagine that if we are taking all testcases, we can actually
restrict the output by putting conditions at several levels (datasource,
repository, testplan, build, platform etc. depending on the XML structure) E.g.
In the
above code, the restrictive conditions at the datasource level, repository
level, testplan level, build level and platform level can help us limit the
number of testcases that appear in our output file. The above is essentially an
advanced XPath expression, because we have introduced additional conditions at
different navigation levels.
A typical problem
Recently, I
faced a problem when I had to access two parts of an XML file. Actually, I had
put condition on the 2nd part of the XML, which was not possible
because there were two for-each loops involved. The XML Structure was something
platforms, testplans, and execution_testplan were all at the same level. The
outer ‘for-each’ loop accesses all the ‘execution_build’ tags. The inner
‘for-each’ loop accesses (based on the conditions), the details of ‘testplan’
tags (within ‘testplans’). To see how we can access the ‘testplan’, please see ‘Handling
XML with non-regular structure’.
A condition
needed to put on the Phase (a custom attribute within the testplan tag) value
for a testplan. That looked impossible, since the Phase was in the inner loop
where if the condition is true, will give blank data values for data elements
within inner element, but will give some values for the execution_build tag.
Putting the condition was necessary because we needed to segregate the report
by Phase value.
The problem
can be tackled easily. I created a new intermediate XML file from the original
file. The new intermediate file contained all data values form inner and outer
loop. Since it had no conditions, it contained all the data. The code for
creating the intermediate XML file looked as follows:
xsl:template match tag creates a template with the rules defined within the tag
and applies to all execution_build tags. As you can also see the xsl:output
method is ‘xml’ because the output file will be an XML file to be used by our
next XSL code that will use this XML file for generating the final output file.
Also, since we are generating the XML file, we can add our own tags. For
example <Instance> tag has been added and it gives the value of instance
with respect to the current execution_build (note the usage of ../ a number of
times). Also, see how a tag is given value using the ‘xsl:value-of’ tag within
a tag. The lower part of the code accessed the details of the execution_build.
xsl:copy will then define the copying of all other tags within
execution_build. The xsl:apply-templates
then applies that template to the XML file to create a new XML file. Also see that
platforms and testplans tags and their contents are all ignored (see ‘Handling
a big XML file’ for details).
file that was created had the data as follows:
As you can
see the execution_build contains all the details that we need in our output
file. Hence the XSL code to generate the output file looked as follows:
Note that
for an execution_build, this data is contained just above it in the XML file.
Also, it is parent to the execution_build, hence the usage of ../. This can be
changed if required. Now putting a condition became fairly easy because the
Phase value lies close (in terms of hierarchy) to execution_build.
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